Recent Graduate Resume
Recent Personal Support Worker Graduate Resume
As requested, here is a brand new personal support worker resumes for recent graduates.
Relevant Tips for All New Employees
Accentuate the Positives by drawing upon any relevant experience from your past. While far from an exhaustive list, here are a few points categories that all new PSWs can draw upon:
Computer Skills
If you’re reading this, it’s safe to assume that you are in possession of a few computer skills. Highlight any skills that you may have in Microsoft Word, similar word processors and e-mail skills.
If you have any relevant record keeping, information recording or related experience, make sure to add them to your resume.
Working with the Public
Highlight any position that you’ve held in the past that involves dealing with the public. This can be as position such as a Bank Manager or even working as a cashier at McDonalds. Highlight that you know how to respond to the public.
Employee Turnover
With high industry turnover rate, employers are interested in additional skills showcasing character traits outside of the health care realm. Highlight any strong character traits such as charity work, PSW school attendance awards, time management skills, etc.
Co-Op Placements
List the different workplace settings that you performed co-op placements in. Include whether you worked as an individual or in a team (or both), the type of clients you worked with (seniors, aliments etc), any techniques or machinery that you used, and the duties that you performed.
And Finally, the Sample Resume
File Format: Packed within the following .ZIP file is a number of formats, including .TXT, .RTF, .DOC, .DOCX and .OTP
Link: Beginners PSW Resume (Recently Graduated High School & PSW Course)