PSW Courses
Below is a list of direct links to available personal support worker courses. This list consists of colleges and large learning institutions. Courses are also available through local learning centers. To find a course that is available at a local learning centre simply type in personal support worker and the name of your town into the google search box located in the upper right hand corner of the page.
We have separated the following list into three categories. The first category consists of traditional colleges. The second category is School Boards, such as those that operate local area high schools. The third and final category we'll look at is private colleges, such as CDI college. With the Ontario government setting an official course standard, schools in both categories should provide you with a rich educational experience.
The below link boxes will take you to a sorted page. These pages include ALL personal support worker courses in the province of Ontario. Each individual school page includes information such as:
- Course Cost
- Duration in Hours & Weeks
- Campus Locations
- Contact Information such as Email & Phone Numbers
Brief Overview of these Three Types
Ontario Colleges
Traditional Colleges such as Humber, etc. These are funded by the Government of Ontario. They are usually the host expensive overall educational institution after factoring in tuition, books, housing and overall length of course. They are also the most prestigious.
School Boards
The least expensive option, school boards are offered locally throughout the province. They are the cheapest, and usually the lowest stress option. Some employers place these certifications on a lower level vs traditional colleges.
Private Colleges
An examples is Everest College. These schools can be the most expensive, depending on the institution. They typically have the most flexible scheduling, with accelerated classes and in some places, weekend only classes. Some are trust worthy and smiled upon; others are seen in a less than fashionable light.